We’ve made it to the tenth devblog already! Time flies when you’re having fun!
This devblog might seem a little short, a lot of the content we’ve worked on these past two weeks has been related to puzzles and monsters that we don’t want to spoil just yet…
Hey, where was last week's blog!
You may have noticed we had no devblog last week… Reading back through devblog 9, it appears we maybe, possibly… definitely forgot to include that devblogs will be every two weeks on a wednesday now. This is due to the weekly internal meeting being moved to Tuesdays and a bunch of new working sessions behind the scenes. Things are going really well with this new schedule and our working sessions have been great recently.
Cindy's gate
Last devblog we showed a bit of what Cindy was working on. That asset has now been finished, check it out!

She’s not stepped there though! We’ve also got some awesome pillars to match, complete with brackets and all.

What's next from cindy?
With her gate out of the way, Cindy has started working on one of the concept pieces Jonny did way back in dev blog 4.

Where is lonnie?
Lonnie’s still here don’t worry! He’s been busy working on some of the monsters and continuing his delve into photogrammetry. He’s produced some high quality scanned assets to help clutter the maze a little, such as these cool bits of dead wood.

Another Track from julian
Our resident composer has finished up another track which will be used in game…. When you hear it, you’re in danger!
We have a bunch of other tracks in the works too, so you may some of them over the coming weeks.
A final note
And that wraps up dev blog 10. We also want to thank all of the people on our discord, you’ve been incredibly supportive about recent changes and it makes a huge difference having that positivity. The pre-alpha demo is coming still, we just want to make sure we have a solid product before we hand it over to the streamers to work their magic!
If you haven’t yet, please join our discord, we love seeing new faces and we are excited to hear people’s feedback, suggestions, questions, theories and everything in between!
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